Join us for public talks on big data and public governance in connection with the launch of the new ITU research project, Data as Relation, on Thursday, March 9, from 11.30-13.00.

The big data revolution has reached the public sector in Denmark. As a forerunner in Europe, the Danish public sector uses large quantities of big data about its citizens. Thus this big data revolution poses new questions to be answered:

– How is data about citizens collected, negotiated and used in public governance?
– How does data create new relations between citizens and government?
– How can public institutions use data responsibly?

These are some of the concerns a new ITU research project, Data as Relation – Governance in the Age of Big Data, focuses on. The project aims to explore how public institutions can benefit from big data while respecting democratic values as openness and responsibility.


11.30-12.00: Registration (Aud 3)
12.00-12.10: Welcome and introduction (Aud 3)
12.10-12.35: “Governance through and of data: On knowledge, values, and politics” by Judith Simon, Professor at University of Hamburg (Aud 3)
12.35-13.00: “The data-driven public sector – opportunities and challenges ahead” by Jens Krieger Røyen, Head of Office at the Agency of Digitisation (Aud 3)

Registration is now closed, but the event can be followed on live stream through ITU’s official Facebook Page.