Project output
This page presents an overview of the various kinds of outputs that Data as Relation has generated since its launch in early 2017.
- “Toward an Anthropology of Data”, co-convened with Antonia Walford and Nick Seaver, University College London. March 19-20, 2019.
- Big Data and the Power of Narrative. Conference 150 participants at the IT University. Organized in collaboration with AU and KU.
- Advisory Board member Prof. Evelyn Ruppert visited the IT University 3 weeks in March. She conducted 1 public lecture, a workshop and a seminar.
- Book Launch of Ethnography for a Data Saturated World(eds. Hannah Knox and Dawn Nafus) ETHOS Lab in collaboration with Antropologforeningen.
- Internal research seminar, November 6-7 2018, Samsø Købmandsgaard. Workshop by artist Malene Bichel.
- Digitale dilemmaer: Hvordan forandrer data den offentlige sektor? March 13, 2018, 14:30 – 16:00. Number of participants: 190 signed-up for conference.
- Workshop with Stuart Geiger on computational methods in interpretivist research. March 27, 2018, 10:00, IT University of Copenhagen.
- Workshop with Sarah Pink. Experiments, Collaboration and Digital Ethnography in Data Spaces. 2nd February 2018, IT University of Copenhagen.
- Data as Relation “Opening Launch Event.” March 9th, 2017, 11.30 – 17.00. Number of participants: 80.
- Doctoral Workshop: Relating and Intervening in Data-Intensive Environments with Matthew Bietz and David Moats. October 30, 2017, 13:30-15:00. IT University of Copenhagen.
- Hockenhull, M. 2018. The Data Sprint as Ethnographic Probe. Annual Meeting of Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies.
- Winthereik, Brit Ross. 2018. The Ethnographic Effect: On Companionship in Analysis. Annual Meeting of Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies.
- Schou, J. & B. Jørgensen. 2018. Work as Critique: Helping Citizens at the Edge of Digitalization. Annual Meeting of Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies.
- Maguire, J. 2018. Promissory Collaborations – Big Tech datacenters and the State. Annual Meeting of Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies.
- Winthereik, B. R. & Maguire, J. 2018. Locating Data: Big-Tech’s Data Centers and The State. The Centre for Social Data Science (SODAS), UCPH.
- Winthereik, B.R. 2018. Big Data in Planning and Practice. Talk at conference organized by Danish Association for Patient Safety.
- Burnett, J. M. 2017. The DAMD controversy: A digitally informed mapping of issues and their publics. Nordic STS 2017, Gothenburg.
- Burnett, J. M. 2017. The DAMD controversy: A digitally informed mapping of issues and their publics. Digital Healthcare: social logics, ethics and politics of data and technology provision.
- Hockenhull, M. 2017. Probing Data Boundaries: Attending to Data Practices. Conference: Organisational Studies after Method
- Hockenhull, M. 2017. Data as relation. Presentation for the “Big Data Business Innovation” course at DTU.
- Hockenhull, M. 2017. Data as relation og Datasprint. Presentation and workshop for the Municipality of Copenhagen’s Business Intelligence Network.
- Hockenhull, M. 2017. “The Widening Gyre of Data Infrastructure Development” at Tinkering with Data: Intersections between Critical Data Studies and Digital Methods. Conference: 4S in Boston.
- Hockenhull, M. 2017. “Smart city citizens – How database infrastructures count and enact citizens ” Paper Presentation: Peopling ‘Europe’ through Data Practices Workshop
- Jørgensen, B. 2017. “New relations in the data-driven Tax Administration – Following a data model from development to integration”. Paper Presentation: After Methods Conference, Sweden.
- Jørgensen, B. 2017. “Organizational tensions in the quest for a data-driven Tax Administration”. Paper Presentations: Nordic STS, Gothenburg and 4S, Boston.
- Neumayer, C. 2017. “Social media materialities and political struggle: Power, images, and networks”. IS4SI Summit: Digitalisation for a Sustainable Society. 12-16 June, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Neumayer, C. 2017. “Can computers see riots? The algorithmic detection of violence in images of protest” at the ECREA Communication and Democracy section conference ‘Digital Democracy: Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data, 10-11 November, 2017, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Neumayer, C. 2017. “(Big) social media data for social movement studies” at the Summer School on Media in Political Participation and Mobilization, 26-30 June, 2017, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy.
- Schou, J. and Hjelholt, M. 2017. The Digital Outcasts: Producing Marginality in the Digital Welfare State. 15th ESPAnet Conference: New Horizons of European social policy, September 14 to 16, 2017
- Schou, J. 2017. Towards a Cultural Political Economy of Digitalization and Neoliberal Statecraft. Third International Conference on Cultural Political Economy: Taking Issues in/with Cultural Political Economy, 6th to 8th September 2017, Lancaster University
- Schou, J. and Hjelholt, M. 2017. The Moral Economy of the Digital Welfare State: Fostering Efficiency and Nurturing Neoliberalism. Data Power 2017: An international conference on (big) data & power, Carleton University 22nd & 23rd June 2017.
- Winthereik, B. R. 2017. Big data er ikke den nye olie – men kan støtte lederens opfindsomhed. Talk held three times at event for public managers organised by Institute for Digitalisation, at Infinit-innovation network for IT, and at Union meeting at Gladsaxe Municipality.
- Winthereik, B. R. 2017. The Assiduous Patient as Infrastructure of Health Care systems. Key notes given at University of Aarhus ‘Infrastructures for Health Care’ and at University of Sussex ‘Reconfiguring Care Infrastructures: Austerity and Innovation in European Welfare Services’.
- Member of the NordForsk funded network ‘Datafication, Data Inequalities and Data Justice’.
- Participant in NOS-HS workshop series ‘Nordic Perspectives on Algorithmic Systems: Concepts, Methods, and Interventions’.
- Collaboration with Municipality of Copenhagen “Kultur- og Fritidsforvaltningen” and “Socialforvaltningen”.
- Aalborg University Learning and Development Department, knowledge partner on project Edge Platforms: Reimagining Digital Infrastructures.
- Member of Danish Data Center Association.
- Part of Data Center working group on Skills and Competences for an Emerging Industry.
- Digital Anthropocene academic working group with Aalborg University.
- Professional course on datadriven management given at KL, Association of Municipalities.
- Collaboration with CEO Pernille Kræmmergård, Institute for Digitalization.
- Collaboration with CEO Annemette Broch, Data for Good Foundation.
- Collaboration with the artist duo Kirsten Astrup and Maria Bordorff. The artists will make a video installation on digital infrastructures based on material from the research project. The installation will be showcased and discussed during the final conference in March 2020.
- Steering Group member of FKK sponsored Network for the Anthropology of Technology.
- Douglas-Jones R. and M. Cohn. GDPR: Deletion Poems (eds.). Inspired by the presence of GDPR in DaR project fieldwork, particularly subproject 5 Bodies of Data, this chapbook has been disseminated to 160 Danish companies/schools to assist in workshops on data protection. Data Protection Officers (DPOs) have been amongst the recipients. A timeline of the project is here
- Gad, C. Interviews for citation or background (written + online media). Altinget; Weekendavisen;;;
- Gad, C. Broadcast media. P3 Morgen; Radioavisen.
- James Maguire, J. Interview in Ingeniøren, January 2019.
- Winthereik, B.R., K. Guldstrand, J. Glæsel, K. Grønbæk (2019). “Data i samfundets tjeneste” (kronik). Berlingske. March.
- Winthereik, B.R. “Professor: Hvad er prisen for digital velfærd?” (blog post). Version2, August 2019.
- Jørgensen, B. og Schou, J. Workshop on data science i DBC (Dansk Library Center).
- Maguire, J. Interview in Computerworld.
- Maguire, J. Datariget. Interview Weekendavisen.
- Geiger, S., Jørgensen, B., Hockenhull, M. & Ojala, M. 2018. Blog post: Keeping Computation Open For Interpretation
- Maguire, J. & Kickbusch, J. 2018. Ægteskabet mellem Danmark og techgiganterne knirker. Finans.
- Winthereik, B.R. 2018. Vi skal sikre os kontrol over it-motorvejen. Magisterbladet.
- Douglas-Jones, R., 2017. “Notes from Inside a Twitter Experiment” #emergingdigitalpractices series, Allegra Laboratory #Colleex
- Hjelholt, M., & Schou, J. 2017. Ny vision for offentlig digitalisering: Lad kuglerammen og stopuret hvile. Version2,
- Hockenhull, M. & Winthereik, B.R. 2017. Blog post: Rig Data – En fortolkende tilgang giver data værdi
- Schou, J. & Hjelholt, M. 2017, 6 June. Who are we – the digital citizens? Metadata: EthosLab.
- Winthereik, B.R. 2017. Debat: Datalov underminerer borgernes frihed. Politiken
- Winthereik, B.R. & Gorm, N. 2017. Efterhånden som teknologierne bliver mere intelligente, bliver vi selv mere som ting. Information.
- Burnett, J. M. submitted. “Tracing the past in the present: Interrogating the DAMD controversy through Twitter.”Digital Culture & Society.
- Cohn, M.L. submitted. “Speculative Legacies, Imagined Inheritances,” In Ballestero, A. and Winthereik, B.R. The Ethnographic Effect – A Companion to Analysis (in negotiation with Duke).
- Hockenhull, M. and Cohn, M.L. submitted. “Hot air: Localising sociotechnical imaginaries of digital futures”. New Media and Society, Special Issue: Future Imaginaries.
- Special Issue Shortlisted for the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, eds. Rachel Douglas-Jones, Nick Seaver and Antonia Walford [full issue will be under review June 2019]
- Special Issue Shortlisted for STS Encounters Christopher Gad and James Maguire. Theme: The Data Moment. [full issue will be under review August 2019]
- Winthereik, B.R. submitted. Seeing through infrastructure: Ethnographies of HealthIT, Development Aid, Energy and Big Tech. Inaugural lecture submitted for publication with STS Encounters.
- Winthereik, B.R. & Maguire, J. submitted. Amplifying Relations through Podcasting. In Ballestero, A. and Winthereik, B.R. The Ethnographic Effect – A Companion to Analysis (in negotiation with Duke).
Accepted / in press
- Douglas-Jones, R. “Drawing as Analysis: Thinking in Images, Writing in Words”. In Ballestero, A. and Winthereik, B.R. How to do Anthropology: Experiments in Analysis. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Jørgensen, B. & Schou, J. “Helping, intervening, contradicting: Modes of ordering in digital bureaucracies”. Journal of Organizational Ethnography.
- Maguire, J. & B.R. Winthereik. “Digitalizing the State: Data Centers and the Power of Exchange. Ethnos Journal of Anthropology.
- Hoeyer, K. & B.R. Winthereik. “Smukke, rå og beskidte: Data som antropologisk anliggende”. Position til Tidsskriftet Antropologi. Special issue on data.
- Røjskjær, L. ”Antropologer har data”: Position til Tidsskriftet Antropologi. Special issue on data.
- Winthereik, B.R. & J. Maguire. “Sound recording as analytical technique”. In: Ballestero, A. & B.R. Winthereik. How to do Anthropology: Experiments in Analysis. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Ballestero, A. & B.R. Winthereik “Introduction”. In: Ballestero, A. & B.R. Winthereik. How to do Anthropology: Experiments in Analysis. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Winthereik, B.R. Infrastrukturer og dataarbejde: Etnografiske undersøgelser af sundhedsIT, udviklingsbistand, vedvarende energi og data centre. Tidsskriftet Antropologi.
- Winthereik, B. R. Is ANT’s Radical Empiricism Ethnographic? In: Farias, I., Roberts, C. and Blok, A. A companion to Actor-Network Theory. London:
- Cohn, M.L. 2019. “Keeping Software Present: Software as a Timely Object for Digital STS,” Digital STS: A Fieldguide and Handbook, Eds. J. Vertesi and D. Ribes. Princeton University Press.
- Neumayer C, & Struthers DM. 2019. Social media as activist archives. In: Mortensen M, Neumayer C, & Poell T (Eds). Social Media Materialities and Protest: Critical Reflections. London: Routledge.
- Schou, J. & Hjelholt, M. Digital citizenship and neoliberalization: governing digital citizens in Denmark. Citizenship Studies.
- Schou, J. 2018. Remaking Citizenship: Welfare Reform and Public Sector Digitalization. Dissertation. IT University of Copenhagen. Defended December 2018.
- Ratner, H. & C. Gad. 2018 “Data Warehousing Organization: Infrastructural Experimentation with Educational Governance.”
- Steffen Dalsgaard & Christopher Gad (2018) Digital Unbounding of the Polling Booth: Ethnography in Small Places, Ethnos, 83:4, 782-799.
- Douglas-Jones, R., Burnett, J. M., Cohn, M., Gad, C., Hockenhull, M., Jørgensen, B., Maguire, J., Ojala, M. & Winthereik, B. R. 2018. “A Bestiary of Digital Monsters”. Living with Monsters?: Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency, and the Performativity of Technology. Springer, p. 177-190 (IFIP AICT – Advances in Information and Communication technology, Vol. 543).
- Hjelholt, M. & Schou, J. 2018. The digital divide and citizen classifications: the inscription of citizens into the state. In M Ragnedda & G Muschert (eds), Theorizing Digital Divides, pp. 173-185. London: Routledge.
- Schou, J. & Hjelholt, M. 2018. Digitalization and Public Sector Transformations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cohn, M.L. 2017. ‘Lifetime Issues’: Temporal Relations of Design and Maintenance. continent., Issue 6.1: 4-12.
- Hjelholt, M & Schou, J. 2017. Den digitale borger [The Digital Citizen]. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
- Hjelholt, M & Schou, J. 2017. Digital Lifestyles Between Solidarity, Discipline and Neoliberalism: On the Historical Transformations of the Danish IT Political Field from 1994 to 2016. tripleC, vol 15, no. 1, pp. 370-389.
- Schou, J. 2017. Hvordan skabes et alternativ? Om det radikale demokratis mulighedsbetingelser. Politik, 3(20), pp. 138-153.
- Schou, J. 2017. Jan-Peter Voß and Richard Freeman (eds.) 2016 Knowing Governance: The Epistemic Construction of Political Order. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.’ Science & Technology Studies, vol 30, no. 2, pp. 77-79. DOI: 10.23987/sts.63109 ·
- Schou, J & Hjelholt, M. 2017. Digitalizing the welfare state: citizenship discourses in Danish digitalization strategies from 2002 to 2015. Critical Policy Studies, pp. 1-20, DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2017.1333441
- Vertesi, J., Ribes, D., Forlano, L., Loukissas, Y. and M.L. Cohn. 2017. “Engaging, Designing and Making Digital Technologies,” The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Fourth Edition. MIT Press: 169-194.
- Winthereik, B.R. 2017. Review of Noortje Marres: Digital Sociology. The Reinvention of Social Research. Science and Technology Studies 30(1): 54-55.
(Latest update, August 2019).